Psychotherapy for Individuals

When you have physical illnesses, you consult a medical doctor – when you encounter psychological difficulties you can get professional assistance, too:

You feel: “This cannot go on!” Is your life stressed by crises and the current situation? Are you afraid of an impending burn-out? Have you perhaps, lost close relatives, even chil-dren and you are in mourning? Do you feel besieged by phobias, compulsions or depressive moods? Do you experience bouts of anger and you fan-tasise aggressive behaviour? Were you forced to experience abuse or sexual violence? Did you have to endure other traumatic events – and still, those experiences return to haunt you? Do you suffer from physical disabilities or pains – without any diagnosable causes? Do you feel lonely, and you are not able to establish a lasting and satisfying contact with other people? Do you long for reliable friends and a stable, loving relationship?

Or you find: “So much more is possible!” Would you like to change your life, your relationships, and your behaviour patterns? Are you searching for ways to develop your rich and multifac-eted personality? Do you intend to create a more intense, more meaningful and loving contact with your partner, friends or relatives? Does your cur-rent age, your relationships, friends, acquaintances or your job, challenge you to redefine yourself

According to experience, finding solutions and developing new perspectives is easier with therapeutic help and counselling!

Typically, psychotherapy is about psychological disorders, illnesses, and crises. Expert therapy also helps on the path to and during change. In regular ses-sions, you and I will explore your circumstances, needs, and problems. Thus, you can determine your goals for transformation, try new steps, experience new (positive) behaviour and implement what exactly you want to alter in your life.

Very caringly I will support you to realise (i.e. recognise and use) your strengths and resources. Jointly, we will look at difficult issues of yours, to clarify questions, needs, and wishes as well as improve your present situation.


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+49 - (0)40 - 539 098-10